Hog Roast for a Wedding

Wow! That really was our most enjoyable event yet! Over the weekend myself and the rest of the Spitting Pig hog roast team made a brilliant wedding party even better as we fed the guests of Frank and Joan’s wedding at their stunning house in Swindon.

I am not trying to undermine any of our previous events but this was one passed off absolutely perfectly due to a combination of the superb location of our stand in the huge garden, the excellent weather played its part and an genuinely perfect gathering of wonderful people! I just wish we could go back and do it all again! I’ll post some photos below, but just to describe this event – which was booked last year, Frank and Joan asked us to come along and cater for 80 guests at their wedding party.

The meal was supposed to be relaxed and informal, based around our traditional hog roast, plus a traditional barbeque and we did a fish barbeque too. The team set up in the afternoon and we were busily preparing the food as the wedding party arrived back in all the posh cars and smart clothes. All of the guests said that the smells we were creating really got the party going! We won scores of compliments for our vegetarian options too; most popular was our three cheese Mediterranean vegetable omelette, which really does have the wow factor.

We pride ourselves on the reaction we get from diners at personal events like this; we can be very relaxed on summer fair days, but we can also go very upmarket indeed and serve our food on proper crockery, with knives and forks! People sometimes wrongly assume that our hog roasts are just served on barm cakes with a napkin but as you can see, we adapt our service to suit the occasion. Frank and Joan were very clear from the start about how they wanted the day to go, and boy do they know how to entertain! They transformed their massive garden into a stylish party venue with a marquee for the bar, a marquee for us and a marquee for the DJ and his sound system. What a brilliant party! We even got a mention in the Grooms speech and a huge round of applause. Hopefully, guests at the event will bear us in mind for future occasions and we can get some more business.

We always rely on word of mouth as one of our strongest marketing tools. We are delighted that the party went so well, everybody had a cracking time and most of all the food was enjoyed. We wish Frank and Joan a blissful marriage and thank them for the opportunity to be part of their special day. I hope you enjoy looking at the pictures and get a sense of how professional our service really is. And why not suggest Spitting Pig to your friends if they want something a bit different at their event? Great job everyone!