Make Your Barbecue Sizzle This Spring With Hog Roast Bournemouth’s Top Tips

With the warmer weather you may wish to take your events outside. And when it comes to outdoor dining there is no finer sight in British cooking than the British barbecue. A joy of outdoor dining, nothing beats a good Continue reading Make Your Barbecue Sizzle This Spring With Hog Roast Bournemouth’s Top Tips

Choose Hog Roast Salisbury To Cater For Your Prom!

Bookings have started to fly in as prom committees are already anticipating their end of year celebrations for this summer! With students dressed to the nines and ready for an evening of fun, you can’t afford to overlook the catering Continue reading Choose Hog Roast Salisbury To Cater For Your Prom!

Get married in January with a delicious menu from Hog Roast Travistock

Hosting a winter wedding is great for so many reasons, although it means that you will have to plan ways to keep yourself and your guests warm throughout the event. One great way to do this is with a delicious Continue reading Get married in January with a delicious menu from Hog Roast Travistock